While the busiest quarter of the year is in full swing, we mustn’t lose sight of our 2023 marketing goals. So, Q1 planning should be a priority. In our latest post, we’re sharing three simple strategies to set you up for affiliate success in Q1. Of course, we know that eCommerce brands are busier than ever right now, so we’ll keep them nice and simple. So, stick with us if you’re keen to get ahead with your affiliate strategy in Q1. 

Three easy tips for Q1 planning

Communicate offers early

While you’re busy with Q4, it’s also essential to look to the future. As we constantly remind our clients, the more notice you give affiliates to promote your offers, the better. 

So, if you haven’t already, start thinking about the promotions you’ll run in January and beyond. Then, once you’ve locked these offers in, create assets, set up codes and communicate them with affiliates as early as possible. 

Furthermore, with Q1 being less competitive than Q4, you can secure additional exposure on a commission-increase basis and get the year off to a strong start. 

Be ready to jump on new trends 

With a new year comes new trends. So be ready to jump on trends, whether it’s a new health trend, TV series or trending colour palette. Once you’ve jumped on these trends, leverage your affiliate network to amplify your marketing strategy. 

For example, if a new health trend is gaining traction, you can search for high-ranking content within those search terms. From here, you can establish affiliate relationships and gain exposure on those high-traffic pages. 

Or, you may have noticed a specific colour palette is trending on Instagram. To hop on this trend, you can leverage content affiliates & influencers to showcase your clothing in this category. 

Analyse data and assign budgets quickly 

You’ll have a lot of data from Q4, and you should analyse it as soon as possible. As mentioned earlier, Q1 is less competitive than Q4. 

So, your first port of call should be analysing data to identify which affiliates and tenancy placements drove the most sales. If you can assign budgets quickly in Q1, you’ll likely benefit from discounted, last-minute exposure packages. 

Furthermore, if you’ve invested in tenancy or offered key affiliates increased commission in Q4, you’ll be able to leverage this to secure more exposure. 

We’ll tell you a little secret: relationships are crucial to success with affiliate marketing. So, while Q4 is a super busy time, ensure you’re nurturing your partnerships and communicating regularly with key publishers. 

Get in touch if you’re keen to get your affiliate strategy off to a solid start in 2023. We know that no two businesses are the same, and the same goes for affiliate strategies. So, our expert account managers will build a bespoke approach to meet your KPIs.